+49 89 2872410
Professor Dr Hendrik Schimmelpenning
Professor Dr Hendrik Schimmelpenning

Professor Dr Hendrik Schimmelpenning

The best surgery for our patients every day full of energy and concentration and always with the latest knowledge, humanely and with the whole team.

Chief physician - Clinic for General Visceral and Vascular Surgery


Specialist for surgery and special GI tract surgery


since 2001
Chief physician at the Specialist Division for surgery
​​​​​​​Schoen Clinic Neustadt
since 1995
Speaker and coach at international trainings for surgeons, teaching operations in Scandinavia
1991 - 2001
Surgical education
​​​​​​​University of Frankfurt/M. and University of Lübeck
1989 - 1991
Research assistant
​​​​​​​Karolinska Institute, Stockholm
1982 - 1989
Sudy of human medicine
​​​​​​​Hamburg University


Assessment of a circular powered stapler for creation of anastomosis in left-sided colorectal surgery: A prospective cohort Study

Herzig DO, Ogilvie JW, Chudzinski A, Ferrara A, Ashraf SQ, Jimenez-Rodriguez RM, Van der Speeten K, Kinross J, Schimmelpenning H, Sagar PM, Cannon JA, Schwiers ML, Singleton DW, Waggoner JR,
International Journal of Surgery

Proktologie, in: OP Handbuch 7. Aufl.

Schimmelpenning H
Springer Verlag

Proctologists omitted

Jongen J, Kahlke V, Schimmelpenning H
Deutsches Ärzteblatt

Assessing the safety, effectiveness, and quality of life after the STARR procedure for obstructed defecation: results of the German STARR registry

Oliver Schwandner, Alois Fürst, German STARR Registry Study Group
Langenbecks Arch Surg

Chirurgische Therapie chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankungen

Schimmelpenning H