+49 89 2872410
Dr Christoph Ploenes
Dr Christoph Ploenes

Dr Christoph Ploenes

Mindfulness in every direction is the key to optimal treatment, especially for patients with vascular diseases. Medical experience and practice should never be confused  with thoughtless routine.

Chief physician - Vascular Centre with Specialist Centre for Angiology and Specialist Centre for Vascular Surgery


Specialist in internal medicine and angiology 


since 2016
Chief Physician
​​​​​​​Specialist Center for Angiology, Schön Klinik Düsseldorf
2004 - 2016
Chief Physician
​​​​​​​Clinic for Angiology, Dominikus Hospital Düsseldorf
1997 - 2004
Senior physician
​​​​​​​Clinic for Angiology, Dominikus Hospital Düsseldorf
1988 - 1997
Assistant physician
​​​​​​​Academic teaching hospital of the University of Essen



Manuel E. Cornely, Wolfgang Ch. Marsch, Erich Brenner

Periphere arterielle Verschlußkrankheit

Christoph Ploenes
Cardiovasc 6/2016 (Springer)

Venöse Thromboembolie im Alter

Christoph Ploenes
Phlebologie 2016; 45: 215–218 (Schattauer)

Der Geriatrische Patient mit PAVK

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Angiologie, Gesellschaft für Gefäßmedizin
In: Interdisziplinäre AWMF- S3- Leitlinie : Periphere arterielle Verschlusskrankheit (PAVK), Diagnostik, Therapie und Nachsorge; Registernummer 065 – 003;Stand: 30.11. 2015 (Co- Autor)