PD Dr Ralph Kothe
Chief physician - Spinal Surgery
Chief physician -
Specialist in Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery
Clinic for Spinal Surgery, Schön Klinik Hamburg Eilbek
Dortmund Hospital
Clinic for Orthopaedics University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Hannover Medical School
Zervikale Myelopathie
Kothe R., Schmeiser G., Papavero L. Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie up2date
Relevanz der spinalen Navigation in der rekonstruktiven Halswirbelsäulenchirurgie
Kothe R., Richter M. Orthopädie 47
The effect of incidental dural lesions on outcome after decompression surgery for lumbar spinal stenosis: results of a multi-center study with 800 patients.
Kothe R, Quante M, Engler N, Heider F, Kneißl J, Pirchner S, Siepe C Eur Spine J 26: 2504-2511
Surgery for adult spondylolisthesis: A systematic review of the evidence.
Schulte T, Ringel F, Quante M, Eicker SO, Muche-Burowski C, Kothe R Eur Spine J 25:2359–2367
Incidental durotomy in spine surgery: first-aid in ten steps.
Papavero L, Engler N, Kothe R Eur Spine J 24:2077–2084
Impact of low back pain on functional limitations, depressed mood and quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Kothe R, Kohlmann T, Klink T, Rüther W, Klinger R Spine 22 (16):1836-1842
Multidirectional instability of the thoracic spine due to iatrogenic pedicle injuries during transpedicular fixation.
Kothe R, Panjabi MM, Liu W Orthopädie 47